3D Animator

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A Tabletop Physical Game

My last professional work was during my year employed at Pixelatto, a game studio that previously published the successful videogame "Reventure". It is characteristic for its crazy humor and blocky-pixel aesthethic.

I ended up being the Lead Artist for this project that wanted to reimagine the essence of its antecesor into a new and fresh style.

  • Redesign existing elements from the pixel art.
  • Design new things based on that same stylization.
  • Adapt the assets and components for physical production.
  • Illustrate using vector and bitmap workflow.
  • Lead other freelances and learn from senior artists that passed through the studio
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I was hired by my local Game Jams organisation for their summer edition. My job was to create the overall composition for the main poster, creating characters in situations that reflect game jam "vibes". We also wanted to make it inclusive.

The characters were also intended to be used individually for various promotional images. Here are some examples of their twitter page during that jam, their webpage and some sponsor banners. The poster composition got to be printed on t-shirts and a huge canvas too.